
Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE


Authors: Palmer CS, Anzinger JJ, Butterfield TR, McCune JM, Crowe SM

PLoS pathogens | Volume 12 of Issue 8


Authors: Wiens KE, Ernst JD

The Journal of infectious diseases


Authors: Rodriguez-Barraquer I, Arinaitwe E, Jagannathan P, Boyle MJ, Tappero J, Muhindo M, Kamya MR, Dorsey G, Drakeley C, Ssewanyana I, Smith DL, Greenhouse B

Emerging infectious diseases


Authors: Langelier C, Reid MJ, Halabi C, Witek N, LaRiviere A, Shah M, Wilson MR, Chin-Hong P, Douglas V, Kazacos KR, Babik JM

The Journal of infectious diseases


Authors: Rodriguez-Barraquer I, Arinaitwe E, Jagannathan P, Boyle MJ, Tappero J, Muhindo M, Kamya MR, Dorsey G, Drakeley C, Ssewanyana I, Smith DL, Greenhouse B

AIDS (London, England) | Volume 30 of Issue 11


Authors: Lee SA, Mefford JA, Huang Y, Witte JS, Martin JN, Haas DW, Mclaren PJ, Mushiroda T, Kubo M, Byakwaga H, Hunt PW, Kroetz DL

AIDS (London, England) | Volume 30 of Issue 11


Authors: Lee GQ, Lachowski C, Cai E, Lima VD, Boum Y, Muzoora C, Mocello AR, Hunt PW, Martin JN, Bangsberg DR, Harrigan PR

Science (New York, N.Y.)


Authors: Lessler J, Chaisson LH, Kucirka LM, Bi Q, Grantz K, Salje H, Carcelen AC, Ott CT, Sheffield JS, Ferguson NM, Cummings DA, Metcalf CJ, Rodriguez-Barraquer I